& PSHE Packs
Education Providers
We recognise the breadth of topics the PSHE education curriculum covers and the challenges to be an expert in all of these.
To support professionals we have created a localised series "... & PSHE". These packs contain the learning outcomes linked to the topic throughout the different key stages, to help showcase the spiral curriculum. They then provide information to help colleagues to meet these learning outcomes, including signposting information.
PSHE Leads can utilise these packs to created their own in-house CPD or staff who deliver PSHE sessions can read through the packs to increase their own confidence.
Health and Wellbeing
Living in the Wider World
- Alcohol
- Being Healthy
- Dealing with Emergencies
- Diet and Nutrition
- Eating Disorders
- Female Genital Mutilation
- Fire Safety
- First Aid
- Hygiene
- Immunisations & Vaccinations
- Medicine Management & Allergies
- Oral Health
- Organ, Blood and Stem Cell Donation
- Road Safety
- Self-Examination and Screening
- Self-Harm
- Sleep
- Smoking, Tobacco and Vaping
- Water Safety
- Abuse and Violence
- Bullying
- Child Criminal Exploitation
- Child Financial Exploitation
- Child Sexual Exploitation
- Consent
- Forced Marriage & Honour Based Abuse
- Friendships
- Knife Crime
- Pornography
- Pregnancy Options
- Pressure
- Puberty
- Sexual Choices
- Sexual Health
- Sexualised Behaviour
- Sexuality and Sexual Orientation