Parents & Carers

Parents & Carers

PSHE education supports children and young people to learn about how to keep safe and healthy. We know that not all learning takes place in school and as parents and carers, you will be having important conversations with your child to help them to understand the world around them. In this area you will find resources and materials to support you.

The links below are information shared by partners for parents and carers.

County Lines

Letter to parents and carers to raise awareness of county lines and some of the potential signs that could show someone is at risk of being involved. 


Staffordshire Police have created an information leaflet aimed at parents and carers to help inform them about e-scooters and the law.

Knife Crime

Letter to parents and carers about the Ditch the Blade campaign

Sexual Health

Open Clinic provide information on the local C-Card scheme that operates across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. This scheme enables people aged over 13 years quick and easy access to free condoms. 

SPACE Programme

The Space Programme provides fun, positive activitie over the summer holidays for children and young people to increase their skills, improve their health and well-being and create opportunities, whilst also aiming to reduce anti-social behaviour.

Staying Safe

Staffordshire Fire & Rescue hosts a free Welephant Club for 4-8 years old to teach children about fire safety, water safety and road safety. 

Summer Safety

Staffordshire Police and Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Services have pulled together information to keep safe this summer.


The School Age Immunisation Service will be holding Community Vaccination Clinics across Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire throughout the summer holidays,

This is a fantastic opportunity for people who have missed their school-aged immunisation to become up-to-date with them.

Clinics are booked by appointment only by calling 0300 124 0366 (Monday – Friday 8.30am-12.30pm).

The links below provide information to help build confidence in parents and carers to have discussions on these topics with their children and young people. 

General Advice

The NSPCC has collated a guide to help parents and carers start the conversations about ‘difficult’ subjects that you need to have if you want to keep your child safe.


The DSM Foundation provide information and resources for parents and carers about alcohol and substances and related topics

Being Healthy

The University of Bath has produced a guide for parents and carers of children aged 4-11 years to help them talk about weight in a positive way.

Being Healthy

Tips and resources for families to be healthy including recipes, activity ideas and food swap suggestions. 


Advice for parents and carers from the NSPCC  to help keep children safe from bullying, wherever it happens. 


From the Anti-Bullying Alliance  this tool is designed for parents and carers to give them sources of information, advice and support around bullying.


Use Pantosaurus to talk PANTS and keep children safe from sexual abuse

Diet & Nutrition

Website from Simply Vegetable that contains information, advice and support for parents and carers to encourage their children to eat more vegetables, without wasting money or food

Diet & Nutrition

Activities from Taste Education to use at home that utilises the senses to encourage eating fruits and vegetables


The British Red Cross has a guide to give parents and carers confidence to talk to their children and young people about race and racism and develop their own understanding and awareness.

Disordered Eating

Spurgeons has created a disordered eating toolkit that is delivered directly to your inbox that helps parents and carers to spot the signs of a eating disorder and shares how to support children in your care.

Disordered Eating

The Charlie Waller Trust  has created guidance for parents and carers whose child has been diagnosed with an eating disorder to help them to support their child. 


Information from YGAM that provides knowledge and resources around gambling and gaming. 

Gender Identity

Information from the NSPCC to help parents and carers better understand what gender identity is and how to support a child. 

Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

A gateway to resources designed with input from experts and people with FASD and their families to help children and young people understand Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.

Healthy Relationships

Information from the NSPCC to help parents and carers on how to talk to their child about relationships, sex and consent.


Information from The Children’s Society about Child Criminal Exploitation.


Information from Catch22 to support parents, carers, and professionals to reduce the risks of exploitation for children in their care and to help adults recognise and understand what happens if a child is exploited. It also provides information about where to turn if you do identify signs that a child is at risk of being exploited or you are worried that exploitation is taking place


A short booklet for parents and carers from Educate Against Hate to have conversations about Prevent and Countering

Jobs and Careers

Staffordshire Job and Careers have created a comprehensive platform, simplifying access to training, jobs and expert guidance. Parents and carers can access tailored guidance on the website, including for parents and carers of children and young people with SEND.  

Knife Crime

Information from Staffordshire Police for parents and carers about Ditch the Blade. A Pan-Staffordshire campaign that aims to educate and empower children and young people to  see that knives are not the answer. 

Knife Crime

Information from Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent’s Violence Reduction Alliance and The Ben Kinsella Trust for parents and carers to help you feel more confident when talking to your child about knife harm, as well as practical help and guidance, and where to find support.


Information from FFLAG, who are a national voluntary organisation and registered charity. They are dedicated to supporting parents, carers and families and their LGBTQ+ members.


An online guide for all parents and carers of children aged 0-25, whether or not their child is LGBT+ or not. It explains how every family can create an LGBT+ inclusive home environment.

The guide also contains advice on what to do if a young person comes out as LGBT+, including what to say, avoid and how to provide support. It’s been created following consultation with more than 100 parents and LGBT+ young people, and answers the most common questions that tend to be asked.

Media Literacy

The Guardian Foundation has produced activities, links, tips and advice to help families learn more about the news together

Mental Health

Action for Children in Staffordshire is commissioned to deliver mental health services in the county. They have devised Parent Talk that provides articles to support Parents and Carers and also access to a parenting coach.

Mental Health

The Sandbox providers parents/carer guides on a variety of mental health topics. (for South Staffordshire)

Mental Health

Resource library from Mental Health UK with tools to help parents and carers confidently engage in conversations  about mental health, emotional wellbeing and resilience with the young people in their life.  

Mental Health

Advice from the NSPCC for parents/carers to  support children who may be experiencing depression, anxiety, suicidal feelings or self-harm.  

Mental Health

Advice and support from the NHS for parents and carers who have children or teenagers with mental health problems. 

Mental Health

The Charlie Waller Trust is conjunction with the University of Oxford, young people, researchers and clinicians have developed a guide to support parents and carers in having helpful, open, honest and empathetic conversations with a young person about their thoughts and feelings.


This guide, created by Together for Childhood Stoke in collaboration with key local partners, helps to provide parents and carers with advice, guidance, and practical tips around puberty.

The language and symbols used in this guide are intentionally simple and accessible. This is to support parents and carers when they are exploring puberty with their child or young person.

Online Safety

keeping children and young people safe online can be overwhelming. have created the ABC online safety checklist, that are broken down by age to help parents and carers.

Online Safety

Social media checklists to help guide children and young people through their profile settings on various social media platforms

Online Safety

Helpful resources, videos and information created by ECP ltd to help inform and raise awareness around online safety

Online Safety

Promote online safety at home with resources from Internet Matters.

Online Safety

Guidance for parents and carers around Artificial Intelligence to provide them with the information to help their child(ren) to use AI safely from Internet Matters. 

Online Safety

Guidance for parents and carers around Artificial Intelligence to provide them with the information to help their child(ren) to use AI safely from NSPCC.

Online Safety

Information from UK Safer Internet Centre to support Safer Internet Day. These pages are designed to help parents and carers to talk to their children/young people about change and online influence, no matter how much time they have in an age-appropriate way.

Online Safety

Information from CEOP about end-to-end encryption.

Online Safety

A mobile phone checklist from Internet Matters to help parents and carers check if their child us mobile phone-ready.

Online Safety

A resource that helps and advised young people who may find themselves in a situation where they (or a friend) has out an image or video online and have lost control over that content and who it is being shared with.


The NSPCC provides advice to help parents and carers understand the  risks and be able to talk to your child about online pornography.


Culture Reframed have a series of easy-to-share fact sheets on the harms of pornography and porn culture, specifically to children and young people.


Always provide a parent’s corner to help parents and carers have conversations about puberty, periods and sex 

Relationships and Sex Education

Brook, supported by Teramex, has provides information for parents and carers  around Relationship and Sex Education. This space including top tips, FAQs, free resources and information to help support children and young people with their in-school learning and make sure that children and young people get high-quality Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

Self-Harm & Suicide

Support guide from the PAPYRUS for parents/carers providing information and guidance to help them cope with a young person who is struggling with thoughts of suicide, to reassure them they are not alone. 

Sexual Harassment

The Children’s Commissioner has produced a guide for parents and carers around talking to your children about online sexual harassment

Sexuality and Sexual Orientation

Advice from the NPSCC on supporting a young person if they’ve come out or are questioning their sexuality or sexual orientation.

Sexualised Behaviour

Advice from the NPSCC on healthy and unhealthy sexual behaviours in children and teenagers, including what to do if you are worried.

Sharing Nudes

Information from the NSPCC to help parents and carers understand the risks of sharing nudes and semi-nudes and advice on how to support your chid if they’ve been sending, sharing or receiving nude images. 

Sharing Nudes

CEOP provide answers to frequent questions with the best advice on keeping children safe


The Sleep Charity has created an e-book for parents and carers who have a child or children who struggle to get good quality sleep. t’s a helpful guide that shows how common sleep issues are, that parents are not alone and that help and support is available.

Smoking and Vaping

The NHS have produce guidance for parents/carers to make sure young people understand the health facts about vaping and know about vaping and the law.

Smoking and Vaping

DSM Foundation provides information and resources about a wide range of substances and related topics


DSM Foundation provides information and resources about a wide range of substances and related topics


Talk to Frank provides information and resources about a wide range of substances and related topics


MPFT have produced a short video on the HPV vaccination for parents and carers

War and Conflict

The Independent have written an article “How to talk to Teenagers about distressing news stories” for parents and carers with a particular focus on the Israel-Hamas conflict.

War and Conflict

A resource from Beacon House for adults supporting a child or teenager to digest the impact of war and conflict on them as individuals, on communities and on the world.

War and Conflict

An article from ITV about how to talk to children about the Israel-Hamas conflict, according to experts. Includes a short video from Save the Children. 

Water Safety

The Royal Life Saving Society UK have created resources exclusively for parents and carers to help educate the family about water safety. 

The links below provide training opportunities for parents and carers around topics relevant to the PSHE curriculum. 


Free online course  from the Anti-Bullying Alliance provides information that will help parents and carers who are concerned that their child may be vulnerable to bullying at school, are worried that their child might be getting bullied, are aware that their child is being bullied, thinks or knows that their child is bullying others or just wants to know more.


Free online course  for Staffordshire residents that raises awareness of hate crime, the definition of hate crime and how people affect can access support.


Free e-learning course that introduces the topic of child sexual exploitation (CSE)


75 minute free, online workshop on gaming and gambling awareness delivered by YGAM.